Wednesday, February 8, 2012

2 Months (Almost)

Millie and Ruby will be 2 months old tomorrow. It's hard to believe that in a "normal pregnancy" they would still not be here. They both got their 2 month vaccinations yesterday and today. They split them up and the girls got 3 shots yesterday and 2 today. The girls did great and only cried for a second. The nurses gave them sugar drops to suck on which really helped. I was kangarooing with Ruby when Millie got her shots. They brought her over to me so I could hold her for a few minutes. She's still a good bit bigger than Ruby, but she looks huge in this picture because she is all wrapped up in blankets and closer to the camera. Ruby let out a few cries as if to say excuse me "sista" but this is my time. Their coloring is also different, because Millie is still a little anemic despite her transfusion.

The girls were also given orders today to take all their feedings by bottle (if they can). Millie did not finish her 11 am feeding, but she did well with her 2 pm, and Ruby was doing well with her feedings when I left. They will try to feed them with bottles, but if it takes too long then they can always put the rest in their feeding tubes. They won't remove the feeding tubes until the girls have proven they can take all the feedings without any problems. Still no word on actual discharge. Millie needed a little blow by oxygen the other night so this is another thing that cannot happen for 5 to 7 days before discharge, so we'll see. We'll have a better idea next week.

Millie from the Hood

Cookies for the Nurses tomorrow to celebrate the girls' 2 Month Bday
These were made by the talented Maggie Jackson of Sweet Cheeks Cookie Co!

Jake is still off his seizure medication. He is doing ok. He has moments of fussiness that we can't figure out but not as bad as it was when he was on Vimpat. His teachers say he seems a little more focused, which is good. We have his 24 hour EEG tentatively scheduled for this Tuesday, so Jake and I will have a Valentine's Day date at the hospital. Tentatively scheduled because we have to get insurance approval and this is last minute, but I wanted to get this done before the girls come home. Hopefully it will work out. 

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